New author: first publication.


This volume contains the incomplete recollections of a childhood recalled and written during the pandemic. They record a much simpler innocent time before the microchip took over the world, and just about everyone’s life.

Brought up in a country parish, these musings document the introduction of mains water and electricity to such rural communities. And a time when the meaning of ‘horse power’ evolved from the four hoofs of the Suffolk Punch to the four wheels of the Hillman Minx (my first car).

When neighbourhood spirit allowed backdoors to be left unlocked, or even open, and the family unit was primary. They survive as a lasting tribute to a dear sister who is missed beyond words.

“Bless you Sister”

Priced at £5.95 plus £2.00 p.p. The 36 page volume can be purchased from ‘Old School Antiques’ Wickham Market, trading in the Old School, or by clicking the button below: